Monday 15 July 2024

Role of AI in Entertainment and Media

The integration of AI in entertainment offers a myriad of benefits. It ranges from powerful ad strategies, dynamic pricing models to automation of repetitive tasks and excellent customer experience. 

As incredible that is to believe, it’s true that the growth rate has slowed down in the last few years. That’s why decision-makers across the industries are seeking the next big thing to boost business. And what powerful ally have they found recently? Artificial intelligence. It was a natural choice for entertainment. Given that this technology is fostering change across all industries, it was only a matter of time before it was embraced by entertainment companies.
Talking about AI in entertainment, it has been a transformative force that has reshaped the way of creating & distributing content digitally. Being one of the emerging & innovative technologies, the future of AI in media and entertainment seems promising.
Artificial intelligence is also used to “understand” the limitations of streaming users and adjust the content accordingly to offer the best possible experience.
Thus, Netflix is capable of detecting slow internet connections and bandwidth limits to compress the streaming without sacrificing image quality. Thus, the experience remains the same, even in the face of technical limitations on the user’s end.

Monday 4 March 2024

How To Start And Run a Digital Marketing Agency

Ready to join a rapidly growing industry with a lot of potential? Rule one: Starting a new business is never easy, and the digital marketing industry is no exception.

From carving out your niche to mastering the art of online marketing, you may need some tips before setting up your own digital agency. In other words, before diving in, it’s crucial to cross your T’s and dot your I’s by conducting thorough research and crafting a well-thought-out business plan.
At this point, it’s a good call to begin by immersing yourself in the world of digital marketing for agencies. Explore online courses & resources offered by well-known institutions to enhance your digital skills plus industry know-how.
Investing your resources in continuous learning and grasping the nuances of this dynamic industry will pay off handsomely in your journey ahead.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Essential things to do before starting a blog in 2024

Choose wisely. If this comes off, you might be writing about this subject for the next 10 or 20 years! The good news is there are tons of amazing things to blog about.

The bad news is… there are tons of amazing things to blog about! It’s sometimes hard to narrow it down, but as a guide, aim to hit these three:

What do you love to read about, talk about and do in you free time – is it cooking, travel, golf, running, chess, fashion, beauty? What could you see yourself writing about for the next 10 years or more?

What expertise do you have? What do your friends say you are really good at? What does everyone always ask for your opinion about? Are you amazing at putting together a great outfit? Getting your kids to eat vegetables or go to sleep at night? Cooking on a tight budget? Being organized? Or perhaps you have a special skill or qualification? Are you a finance expert? A nutritionist? A trained lawyer?

Successful blogs solve problems. The bigger the problem, the more likely your blog is to be successful and the easier you will find it is to make money with your blog.

Big problems that need solving include: how to be healthy/lose weight/go vegan or gluten free, how to save money/living on a tight budget, how to get rich, how to look good, how to be organized and productive at work/at home, how to get kids to sleep/eat/behave.

If you can teach people how to do one of those things, or something similar, you are onto a winner!

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Drones deliver defibrillators more quickly than ambulances

While they are making headlines for 7starhd their military application, drones also have the potential to save lives by delivering a cardiac defibrillator more quickly than an ambulance. A Swedish study demonstrates their real interest.

In the event of cardiac arrest, the speed of intervention and the use of an external defibrillator are key elements for the diagnosis. We usually say that every minute gained means 10% more survival! Based on this observation, a Swedish study has evaluated since 2020 the time for delivering a defibrillator by drone versus by ambulance.

The drone arrives before the ambulance in 2 out of 3 cases!
Although early intervention with an automatic external defibrillator greatly increases the chances of survival, these defibrillators are not available everywhere, especially in homes where most cardiac arrests occur.

To reduce the defibrillation time with an automatic defibrillator, Karolinska Institutet, together with the Vastra Gotaland region, SOS Alarm, and the drone operator Everdrone, has been testing since 2020 the possibility of sending a drone with an AED at the same time as 'an ambulance is alerted. The project covered an area of ​​around 200,000 people in western Sweden. A first study carried out in the summer of 2020 in Gothenburg and Kungälv showed that the idea was feasible and safe.
In the study, drones delivered an AED in 55 cases of suspected cardiac arrest. In 37 of these cases, delivery took place before an ambulance arrived, or 67%, with an average advance of 3 minutes and 14 seconds. In the 18 cases of actual cardiac arrest, the caller successfully used the AED in 6 cases or 33%. Shock was recommended by the device in two cases and in one case the patient survived.
Our study now shows once and for all that it is possible to deliver automatic defibrillators with drones and that this can be done several minutes before the ambulance arrives in the event of an acute cardiac arrest,” explains Andreas Claesson. “ This time saving means that the health emergency center could ask the person who called the ambulance to retrieve and use the AED in many cases before the ambulance arrives

Monday 28 June 2021

Islam religion guides about the Humanity and Equality

"What is guided by that will be that Allah revealed the Quran with Tajweed, and the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam ( may Allaah commend his notice ) got it orally like this from Jibreel, may Allah magnify his notice, Ijazah in Ash Shatibiyyah.

Allah uncovered the capacity to present the Quran with Tajweed in the Quran, as Allah says (what implies): {… and recount the Quran with estimated recitation...} [Quran 73:4] 

It is understood that the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam ( may Allaah lift up his notice ) used to discuss the Quran with Tajweed, as it was revealed to him, muqaddimah al jazariyyah so, however, this stanza approaches him, what is intended is his country. It was accounted for that 'Ali, may Allah be satisfied with him, stated, 'Estimated recitation (Tarteel) is the Tajweed of the letters and the information on delays and stops.'"

All high praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I declare that there is none deserving of love aside from Allah and that Muhammad Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam ( may Allaah lift up his notice ) is His slave and Messenger.

Despite the evidence that the content is called tuhfat al atfal (A present for the youngsters), the term 'atfaal' ought not to be taken in the strict sense, muqaddimah al jazariyyah.

Allah says (what implies): {And We didn't send any representative aside from [speaking] in the language of his kin… } [Quran 14:4]; so it is a commitment that all the laws of the Arabs be considered in regards to issues that change the structure or fixed the significance, and it is alluring with respect to issues that make the elocution increasingly lovely. We expressed that it is attractive right now the talented reciters just realize shrouded botches with respect to the error of the letters r, n, and l."

Ibn Al-Jazari expressed in his excellent sonnet about the guidelines of Tajweed.

The Prophet Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam ( may Allaah commend his notice ) recounted the Quran with the guidelines of Tajweed as he encountered it from Jibreel, may Allah raise his notice. 

This Tajweed incorporates the way to express the letters and their qualities and every single other thing that is identified with the guidelines of Tajwee, Ijazah in Reading and Memorizing Quran.

Jazaria an Arabic Language sonnet. The Quran contacted us from Allah through the dependable Jibreel with Tajweed to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah commend his notice ) – as we said – from the Preserved Tablet, and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah magnify his notice ) passed on it to the Companions, and afterward the Taabi'is (age following that of the Companions) and their supporters learned it all things considered (from age to age) to our Shaykhs. 

May Allaah show leniency upon them – with Tawaatur (the variety of the wellsprings of a specific report that prompts certitude in the audience that the report is to be sure valid) with the portrayal of the Tarteel that covers the Tajweed and the elocution and explanation of the letters and their depictions and all other related issues which are huge in the Arabic language and by which the Quran was uncovered.

Performing the Tajweed is something extensively compulsory, and whoever peruses the Quran without Tajweed is evil. Since it was uncovered all things considered from Allah, and that is the manner by which from Him, it contacted us

In Quran everything is mentioned from birth to death

The reason for existing is to utilize realities, from over a significant time span, to show this focal message. 

So when the Quran is talking about the mending properties of nectar or the life of Jesus, not simply the point is an end, however, each is depicted somehow to the focal message – the Oneness of God and solidarity of the prophetic message.

Many individuals asked and observed how to peruse the Quran for learners. Here right now, called attention to certain focuses for Beginners, Ijazah in Ad Durrah.

The main point for a novice to comprehend the Quran is its structure. The Arabic word, 'Quran,' actually implies both 'recitation' and 'perusing.' Thus, the Quran was both recounted orally and recorded in the book structure.

The actual intensity of the Quran reading deeds in the oral recitation, as it is meant to be perused resoundingly and resonantly, yet at the same time, the refrains were recorded on accessible substances as a guide to remembering and guarding it, and these were assumed and oversaw in book structure both secretly. 

The Quran recitation, as a law, repeats some sections and subjects, turning points among them, and frequently portrays stories in abridged structure. We can see two explanations behind this. In the first place, it fills a linguistic need and is one of the amazing logical strategies of old-style Arabic.

The actual intensity of the Quran reading deeds in the oral recitation, as it is meant to be perused resoundingly and resonantly, yet at the same time, the refrains were recorded on accessible substances as a guide to remembering and guarding it, and these were assumed and oversaw in book structure both secretly. 

At a later stage, institutionally. The Quran was not intended to recount an ordered story, and in this manner, the Quran ought not to be viewed as a consecutive account like the book of Genesis, the benefits of speaking Arabic.

The Quran is made out of 114 sections or parts of an irregular length. Every part is known as a surah, surahs to retain in Arabic, and each sentence or expression of the Quran is called an ayah, actually 'an image.' Like the Bible, the Quran is partitioned into discrete units, alluded to as 'refrains' in English.

These refrains are not standard long and where every beginning and finishes were not chosen by people, however, led by God. Everyone is a discrete demonstration of locution of shut connotation, or 'sign,' signified by the word ayah in Arabic, ijazah in al jazariyyah.

All surahs, apart from one, start with Bismillah hir-Rahman Nir-Rahim, 'I start with the Name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the Compassionate.' Each surah has a name that by and large identifies with a focal topic inside it. For instance, the longest surah, Surah al-Baqarah, or "The Cow," is named after the account of Moses ordering the Jews to offer a penance of a bovine, which starts with God saying.

Generally, Quranic disclosure would originate from the blessed messenger Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad as a reaction to questions raised by unbelievers. 

The Quran tends to these unbelievers, the People of the Scripture (a term utilized by the Quran for Jews and Christians), mankind everywhere, devotees, and, at long last, the Prophet himself - instructing him what to do in a specific circumstance or comforting him even with scorn and dismissal. 

Understanding the chronicled and social setting of the disclosure describes the implications contained in the content itself.

Second, all topics of the Quran, regardless of how different, are folded over one consistent idea experiencing the whole book: there is no obvious god yet Allah, and Muhammad is His delegate.

The Quran recitation, as a law, repeats some sections and subjects, turning points among them, and frequently portrays stories in abridged structure. We can see two explanations behind this. In the first place, it fills a linguistic need and is one of the amazing logical strategies of old-style Arabic.

Second, all topics of the Quran, regardless of how different, are folded over one consistent idea experiencing the whole book: there is no obvious god yet Allah, and Muhammad is His delegate, what is the meaning of tajweed.

Monday 7 June 2021

Reciting Quran ayats, again and again, it helps to memorize

Most think that the words are synonymous. A few scholars distinguish between the words saying that ajr jazaria is a reward that is received after doing a particular action, whereas thawāb is a reward given by Allah through his mercy and grace with no work required.

In addition alif at the end of the words. In Arabic, it is called alif al-itlāq, a common alif. It has no bearing on the word itself but is merely used to keep the rhyme scheme of the poetry. It is used repeatedly in this book, Ijazah Certification.

So, the first (of the four rules) is ith-hār, before the letters of the throat, which are six, ordered in order (of their makhārij from the lower throat upwards).  The hamzah and the hā`, then the ‘ain and the hā` which require dots and then the ghain and the khā.` 

The six letters of the throat are mentioned. Thus if an nūn sākinah or tanwīn arrives before any of these letters, ith-hār will take place.

And the second (rule) is idghām in six (letters), appearing in (the combination) 7, which are fixed by them (the qurrā` - as the letters of idghām).

Rules regarding the nūn sākinah, the tanwīn, and the mudūd. But, other rules beside al jazariyyah are also explained, the lām al-ta‘rīf, the mīm sākinah, the nūn, and mīm when they are mushaddad, etc. 

The reason why the author only mentions nūn, tanwīn, and mudūd is because the rules in the book predominantly concern them.

In most texts, the six letters of idgām are said to be found in the combination 7 (with a fathah on the mīm). However, some claim that it should be (with a dammah on the mīm) since it stems from the Arabic (with a dammah on the mīm), which means to get haste.

Children It is the plural that indicates a child who has not yet matured (bāligh). Here, it refers to the beginner who intends to learn tajwīd,  Ijazah in Ad Durrah.

In many copies, it is written as, with a fathah, tuhfat al atfal on the mīm. However, the more accurate pronunciation is with a kasrah on the mīm since he came from the village named Mīha and not Maiha. Allah knows best.22

The word is the plural, which means someone who is engaged, absorbed or lost in something this is also related to by the author in the third line as murīd. It includes the beginner and the expert.  

The beginner is he who has originally embarked on the study of the science of tajwīd and is incapable of studying texts on his own. The intermediate is the student who has learned enough to guide himself in further studies. The expert is he who can understand the book and its meanings.